Yesterday at noon, the family I babysit for called to tell me I didn't need to come to work. I didn't have a problem with it - I have some long hours scheduled for later in the week - and promptly decided that a Monday was a good day for an adventure.
I may have been wrong.
But on a 75 degree day, how could I stay in and rest? After putting the phone down, I spent over an hour researching awesome places to visit in NYC whilst alone. In the end, I didn't come up with anything and went along with my first idea.
I started this adventure with a lot of enthusiasm. My original plan had been to enter the park at Columbus Circle, where I had never explored before, but a stroke of whimsy struck me at the 81st street stop, and I had to follow through.
I got out at the Museum of Natural History and immediately entered the park. It was here that I first discovered I may have made a mistake in choosing this adventure.
People everywhere! This was a day when I was not particularly interested in fighting the crowds of late-season tourists and hyper-active schoolchildren. But, I had made the commitment and had already come this far. I had to journey on!
Within moments of entering the park, I realized with a sinking heart that I knew exactly where I was. How could I have an adventure if I recognised everything? I was at the Delacorte Theatre, where Shakespeare in the Park is held in the summertime. Becoming more and more discouraged about my adventure, I forged onward.
Finally, I stumbled across something beautiful and interesting! On the other side of this underpass lay the pathway to the Cleopatra's Needle monument and, just a bit further, the Met.
Cleopatra's Needle |
I hate to admit it, but I didn't actually know the humungous building sitting on the edge of the park was the Metropolitan Art Museum. All I saw was the backside of it. I literally walked in a circle around the entire building - starting from the back corner.
A view of the Met from behind |
A view of the Met from up front |
A nice, long walk later, I was at the front of the museum. On a surprisingly warm fall day, the front steps were crowded with students, tourists, and families alike, as well as hot dog vendors, and street artists.
On the right, artists sell their wares. On the left, a shaded area for all to sit and relax. |
One of two gorgeous fountains at the front of the museum. |
My small tour of the outside of the Met ended, and I headed back into the park in search of more adventure!
It wasn't long before I stumbled upon what looked to be a large lake.
That's not right, I thought,
there are no lakes at the edge of the park!
Lo and behold, the Kerbs Memorial Boathouse, the premier spot for model sail boating in central park. Now, when I found this little lake, I realized once again that I knew exactly where I was. I had visited this area with my mom and grandparents back in April, when they had come to see my Musical Showcase. However, because I knew where I was at, I knew what I could visit!
I don't know these children. |
There is a statue dedicated to Lewis Carroll's classic Alice in Wonderland located just north of the Boathouse. It is just one of many attractions in this area dedicated to children (and the young-of-heart.) Tune in to Central Park's website and you can listen to Whoopie Goldburg tell you all about this part of the park.
I wanted to explore more, but at this point, I started to feel odd. I was uncomfortable, and my dress was starting to feel tight. I blamed it on the weather - walking around in the humid summer-like temperatures for an hour could make anyone want to turn back.
I set a course for home, taking very few pictures on the way back, courtesy of this growing uncomfortable feeling, accompanied with anxious thoughts.
This shot of the angel at one of my favorite spots in the park was among my last of the day. I simply couldn't pass up this artsy angle! (no pun intended)
It was just as I was zooming past a group of tourists that the thought hit me -
I hadn't taken my medicine that day. I can't remember the last time I simply forgot to take my daily Crohn's medication. Suddenly, the uncomfortable bloating and fatigue was making sense. I sped up my pace and took what I thought would be a nice short-cut around one of Central Park's lakes.
Perhaps it would have been if I hadn't been harassed by a young man collecting money for his basketball team at a more secluded passageway in the park. In NYC, people will ask you to give money for various activities and charities, and the common customs are to wave and avert your eyes if you're not interested. They will usually leave you alone.
I tried to pass him discreetly, waving him away. He took it as an opportunity to get right in front of me, wave at me, and get up in my face until I couldn't ignore him any longer. After constantly commenting on how beautiful I was, this man shoved his red folder in my face, asking for me to write my name and how much money I would give to support his team.
I told him the same story a dozen times. I don't have any money. Sorry. I can't help. But he kept trying to talk to me, waving his red folder under my nose, and walking so close, we could touch.
I am not a particularly social person. After my constant quiet and indiscreet replies, he took a negative turn. Asked why I wouldn't talk to him, if it was because I had a boyfriend,
if it was because he was black. On this day, after battling the crowds and feeling the growing pain in my belly, I couldn't handle it. I actually growled with frustration, pulled at the ends of my hair, and said, "I just don't like talking to people."
We ran into a clump of people coming the other direction, and he let me go to harrass some other poor young couple. "The most beautiful couple in this park ..." I heard as I literally ran away.
Finally I exited the park ... at the exact same spot I had entered. I had come full circle, it seemed. I sped my way over to the C train and made it home without further spectacle.
After getting some medicine into my belly, I felt better about the adventure. It didn't go quite as I thought it would, but then again, adventures rarely do. I plan to make this a more common occurrence in my ever-growing free time.
An adventure well-had |
Here's to the next adventure!
Little Me