Wednesday, May 24, 2017

PHOTO FLASH: 'Tis the Season to be in Nebraska

As soon as I posted my last two Christmas posts, I was excited about writing the third. However ... life happened and once again, I lost track of myself. Now that Christmas is so far behind, I just wanted to throw a few of my favorite pictures from my two-week visit home to Omaha, NE. Enjoy!

Flying over Chicago

The O'Hare Airport is always gorgeous this time of year. I make sure to stop for a picture every time!

Once home, I went straight to a beauty school for a TEN DOLLAR trim.
Layers, man

The annual New Year's Eve Celebration: The Bro and I

We may have tried our hand at Champagne Jello Shots ... pretty good, if I do say so myself.
All my love,
Little Me