I'm BACK from Europe and the youth mission trip, so the rest of the summer is blanked out and free until I start college in October. Europe was absolutely the greatest thing ever! I'll tell you the whole story later, cause right now I've got some updates to address.
First of all, I got a job, so we can check that off the list! I'll be a baker at Hy-Vee for the next couple of months, which I'm so excited about! I can spend all day making cakes and brownies! And it pays $9.00 an hour, which is great 'cause I really need to start raking in the cash. NY is gonna be expensive ...
Next! On our way to Europe, we stopped in New York for a day to tour the college I'm going to. Here are the pictures of the real deal.

That first one is the kitchen at the dorms I will be staying in. Under that is the lunchroom/snackage area located on campus. Does that not remind you of Fame? Then there's the tiny, tiny dorm rooms, the "Studio Theater" (they call it this because a real theater has to have to fire exits, and this one only has one), and the studios located in the dorms so that we can practice from the comfort of home.
Third of all, I had Remicade last week, and they cut my dosage down because of insurance, so I have to be extra careful about looking for signs of fever, unusual bruises, increased flare-ups, etc. I'm doing good so far.
Here's some exciting news! I'm gonna be on TV! So you know I've been a figure skater for almost fourteen years now. Well, this show, Aunt Molly and Friends, is gonna do an ON ICE special, and I get to be in the show! It's gotta be fate, because I didn't even know they were doing auditions today until I showed up at the rink, all decked out in my ratty old tank top and leggings with no makeup and a "I Don't Care" ponytail, and my coach tells me the producer is coming. Um ... WHAT!?!
So I auditioned and did my thing, and when I was done, I got to have a conversation with the guy. I told him that I'm going to New York to study musical theater at AMDA, and he was excited, since he lived there for a very long time. Then I told him that I had Crohn's Disease and he got REALLY excited. So now I might get to have a little spotlight and a commercial and an inspirational thing all about having this disease and still doing what I love. I still can't believe this is happening!
But nothing is for certain yet, so we'll just have to wait and see what's gonna happen.
I haven't gotten any recent updates from my college because they're right in the middle of their summer session. I'll let you guys know when I get more information. It's so hard watching all my friends get ready for college and I've still got almost three months. Oh well, at least I've got a job ...
There's nothing else on the checklist now, so all I have to do is sit back and wait. Oh, and be on TV. Life is good.
Love you all,
Little Me
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